Sunday, April 26, 2009

“Sathya Mevan Jayan”-TRUTH TRIUMPHS

NORTH: LET the TRUTH dawn on all World Powers, International Community and the misguided. TRUTH is always stranger than fiction. But the TRUTH will out and no one can UNTRULY keep it a secret for ever. TRUTH will triumph (Sathya Mevam Jayam), but it always takes longer because TRUTH has no limits. UNTRUTH will TRULLY have a natural death, sooner or later. They bragged and distorted everything possible, but were, in TRUTH, not knowing what was going on in the north, and in TRUTH the whole TRUTH. Had the TRUTH been given its due justice in correct perspective, Tigers in Vanni would not have received fortunes into the coffers to buy weapons. TRUE Media is generally the watchdog for the TRUTH, but it was not the case in or for Sri Lanka. TRUTH became a victim in the very country where freedom of expression enjoyed maximum perks, thanks to agendas of anti-Sri Lanka lobbies. UNTRUTH that permeated by leaps and bounds crippled or broke the Nation’s spine, not once but umpteen times. More than 30 years, TRUTH lived in exile. TRUE patriots and Sri Lankans continued to face humiliation with no stimulus forthcoming. Everybody was forced to face unwelcome TRUTHS about ferocity of blood-thirsty Tigers, though there wasn’t a grain of TRUTH in those exaggerated assessments. Half-TRUTH and sometimes weekly home-TRUTHS were conveniently plucked and blown out of proportions. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH in those compilations, to tell you the TRUTH. These are trying times for all Sri Lankans, but our untiring soldiers are still doing their TRUE part in a magnificent and unprecedented manner. That is the unpalatable TRUTH to some. These enclosing photos show, if not do speak louder than ever before. Hardly any foreign “mediator” or “sympathizer” tried to get at the TRUTH all this time but they believed the Gospel TRUTH of the Tiger Terrorists and their overseas lobbyists. All TRUE attempts to reach suffering Tamils under the jackboot of PRABHAKARAN repeatedly failed. Numerous appeals fell on deaf ears. TRUTH was denied to them and us once again. But the eternal TRUTH has finally begun to blossom, emitting fragrant sense of humanity, brotherhood, fellowship, comradeship, compassion and loving-kindness. UNTRUTH is getting closer to its grave. Let no room be left for it to resurrect. Where have “humanists” gone ? Where have the supporters of the “sole liberator of Tamils” gone ? The moment of (universal) TRUTH has dawned. TRUTH has finally won the Day. May TRUTH live longer !

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